Wednesday 30 October 2013

Japan Astrology AStrologer in japan +91 9636817847

Devanand Sharma spent his whole life in the study of relations between cosmic and terrestrial phenomena. He was able to demonstrate by his writings and predictions made through The Astrological Magazine and other media that the astrological theory of cosmic influences affecting human life are essentially correct. Through a number of books, lectures and research papers, Dr. Devanand Sharma influenced the educated public and made them astrology-conscious. His special fields of research were Hindu astronomy, astro - psychology, weather and political forecasts, disease diagnosis, natural calamities, management and other areas in relation to celestial phenomena.

Devanand Sharma travelled round the world several times representing India at the Astrological Congress held at Cambridge, England and the International Astrology Conference at New York. He delivered innumerable lectures in Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Canada, Japan and the United States of America, addressing universities, medical associations and educational and cultural institutions on different aspects of astrology, Hindu astronomy, philosophy and Indian culture.

Devanand Sharma was the first to deliver a lecture on "Relevance of Astrology" in Modern Times in 1998at the United Nations, New York, which evoked much interest in diplomatic circles. He said that Astrology was a science and not mere mumbo jumbo

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